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Triple R Rally Returns for St. Joseph’s 30th Anniversary

Students wait eagerly for the next activity during the Triple R Rally on Thursday. Photo by: Eva A.

On October 17th, students and staff participated in a revival of the “Triple R Rally” to kick off celebrations for St. Joseph's 30th anniversary.

The assembly began with a performance by Ms. D’Alimonte’s grade 9 drama class. The “rant”, entitled “I Am Laser”, highlighted all of the reasons that St. Joe’s is such a great school and what it means to be a Laser. Some examples mentioned were the many traditions and events that the Lasers celebrate, and our "rockstar" principal.

After the poem, “Mr. Enthusiasm”, also known as Mr. Mike Chalut, took the floor. Chalut was a staff member at the current St. Joseph’s location for many years. While he was a teacher, he created many programs and traditions that inspired ones still followed today. For example, Laser Radio, which produced daily video announcements, has changed to slideshows that are broadcasted on the TVs around the school.

Chalut spoke to the Lasers about his experience at St. Joseph's and how we can put the 3 R’s–respect, responsibility, and relationships–to good use everyday. “It was the 3 R’s that made the school what it is today and I hope that the school spirit that I saw will continue. The world certainly could use a lot of respect, responsibility and relationships. I was thrilled to come back to St. Joseph's today,” Chalut commented.

To close the rally, Ms. Chiandussi's grade 10 dance class performed a routine that demonstrated the many elements of high school: class, sports, graduation, and everything in between. It was a complex and entertaining piece with many costume changes that kept spectators on the edge of their seats.

After the rally, students made their way to the WFCU Center for the highly anticipated Alumni Hockey Game. What a fantastic kickoff to a celebration of 30 years of Laser spirit!

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