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STJ PROM 2018: A Night to Remember

St. Joseph’s Prom took place on May 4th at the Giovanni Caboto Club, with a well-executed Beauty and the Beast theme. St. Joe's seniors began their memorable day by taking pictures at Jackson Park. After arriving at the Caboto Club, they pranced around the room, keychain picture taking & mingling, to the sounds of the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack. A delicious dinner of pasta, salad, and chicken was enjoyed by all.

Awards were presented by Maria Buglisi and Taylor McQueen, chairs of the Prom Committee, and they included:

Heart of Gold (male): Shane Tracey

Heart of Gold (female): Taylor McQueen

Most Talkative: Juno Oh

Nicest Smile (male): Leighton Mertz

Nicest Smile (female): Hasana Jaya

Best Friends (males): Evan Ferguson and Owen Lalonde

Best Friends (females): Sarah Marogy and Iliana Meco

Jester: Nathan Pota

Biggest Flirt: Michael Piccolo

Most likely to win a Nobel Prize: Marta Haireek

Best Eyebrows: Clara Giraldo

Most likely to win an Oscar: Marilyn Tshikani

Most likely to win an Olympic medal: Owen Lalonde

Most likely to be Prime Minister: Taylor McQueen

Best uniform model: Niki Besic

Parents of the grade: Nick Thibert and Lauren Toma

Most likely to get ID’d when they’re 30: Vanessa Chiarenza

Most likely to be on Jeopardy: Mason Hughes

Prom King & Queen: Josh Jacobs and Joanna Suciu

Princess #1 & Prince #1: Sabrina Sisco and Jasper Finch

Princess #2 & Princess #2: Mady Charron and

Shea Coughlin

Prom is a very special occasion. It is a day to celebrate how far you’ve come, and one that will be remembered and cherished for a lifetime. The main goal of prom is to have an amazing night with the people you love, which St. Joe's students definitely accomplished.

Here are some photos capturing the special occasion:

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