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Sophia Franklin: Under The Spotlight

By: Tessa Ferone

We all know that St. Joseph’s produces successful individuals, but Sophia Franklin, a distinctive Grade 11 student, is really someone special. With Sophia’s multiple extracurriculars, academic recognition, and inspiring future goals, her name is destined to be in lights someday!

Sophia Beatrix Franklin’s love for the arts started at a very young age, a time when she would perform in musical recitals and school talent shows. After that, she started piano lessons, performed in festivals, and has had a passion for visual, musical, and dramatic arts ever since.

Sophia knew she wanted to join the Drama Club as soon as Grade 9 began, and that’s exactly what she did. During that year, she performed at Sears Fest in the award-winning play “Not Merely an Emotion,” written and directed by former St. Joe’s student Isabella Gallucci. Sophia enjoys playing a variety of instruments, including piano and guitar, and she is currently learning drums and taking vocal lessons. What’s more, Sophia is one of the four members of the garage band “Zicadas.” She hopes this artistic devotion will one day lead her to study the Arts in post-secondary school. She’s had her sights set on a stage for as long as she can remember!

It may appear that her talent is what sets her aside from the rest, but Sophia’s academic participation is also an important factor. In grade school, Sophia received the English, Art, Music, and Honour Roll awards in her graduating class. Today, Sophia appreciates all the Art classes she can possibly take and is an Arts & Culture SHSM student. Apart from her creativity, she enjoys Math and Social Science and is delighted to be learning them in person after being fully online in Grade 10. In addition, she volunteered at Grade 9 Orientation 2021 and has been involved in the Drama Club since Grade 9.

Aside from her academics, Sophia leads music classes for toddlers and is a student at Sonata Piano Studio. She has many other hobbies in addition to her artistic drive, including thrifting, painting, making jewellery, and scrapbooking. Later in life, Sophia dreams of pursuing a career in film and travelling to Sicily, Italy, to get a glimpse at some of her family’s history.

With one year left at St. Joseph’s, Sophia hopes to write and direct a play for Sears Fest 2023, which the Drama Club could perform at the Festival, and continue her studies to prepare herself for post-secondary education. Us Lasers wish her the best of luck in her expressive career and will keep an eye out for her work in the future!

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